Product Category: Furnace Filters
Product Name: 16x25x1 (15.75 x 24.75) Accumulair Emerald 1-Inch Filter (MERV 6) (4 Pack)
Are you looking for 16x25x1 (15.75 x 24.75) Accumulair Emerald 1-Inch Filter (MERV 6) (4 Pack), kindly read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to buy this 16x25x1 (15.75 x 24.75) Accumulair Emerald 1-Inch Filter (MERV 6) (4 Pack), then you can click the image to see cheapest price. You can make sure whether this item has the best quality. And finally you'll be able to buy 16x25x1 (15.75 x 24.75) Accumulair Emerald 1-Inch Filter (MERV 6) (4 Pack) online with easy delivery to your home.
16x25x1 (15.75 x 24.75) Accumulair Emerald 1-Inch Filter (MERV 6) (4 Pack)
Product Features:
- MERV 6 Rating
- Economical, high-capacity media makes this filter an ideal upgrade from standard fiberglass throwaways.
- Each filter lasts up to 3 months.
- Captures a wide variety of airborne allergens including dust, mold, pet dander, and dust mites.
And remember since the discount will not last long. So, buy this 16x25x1 (15.75 x 24.75) Accumulair Emerald 1-Inch Filter (MERV 6) (4 Pack) now and I hope you might be lucky to get this limited discount

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