Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax

Brand: Lisle
Product Category: Flywheel & Pulley Tools

Product Name: Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax

Introducing: Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax, kindly read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to buy this Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax, then you can press the image to see related product. You can make sure whether this product has the benefit. And finally you can buy Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax online with easy delivery to your home.

See Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax

Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax
Product Features:

  • Locks flywheel in place when removing harmonic balancer on 6.6L Duramax engines with Allison automatic transmissions
  • Saves time by locking the flywheel at the transmission instead of having to remove the starter for water pump replacement
  • Use 36mm 12-point socket with 3/4 square drive to remove harmonic balancer bolt and retorque on installation
  • Package dimension is 4.5 inches width by 5 inches height by 2 inches depth

And make sure since the discount will not last long. So, check this Lisle 22100 Flywheel Locking Tool for 6.6L Duramax now and I hope you have got the best price.

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