Product Category: LED Bulbs
Product Name: Philips 425256 8-Watt (40-Watt) A19 LED Household Daylight Light Bulb, Dimmable
Firstly, before you make a deal on Philips 425256 8-Watt (40-Watt) A19 LED Household Daylight Light Bulb, Dimmable, kindly read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to purchase this Philips 425256 8-Watt (40-Watt) A19 LED Household Daylight Light Bulb, Dimmable, then you can press the image to see discounted price. You can make sure whether this goods has the advantage. Then you will be able to buy Philips 425256 8-Watt (40-Watt) A19 LED Household Daylight Light Bulb, Dimmable online with easy shipping to your home.
Philips 425256 8-Watt (40-Watt) A19 LED Household Daylight Light Bulb, Dimmable
- Philips 8-Watt Energy Saving LED A19 household light can replace your 40-Watt incandescent A19, saving you up to 88 dollar in energy costs
- Ideal for use in kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms and hallways in your table and floor lamps, pendant fixtures or ceiling fixtures
- Features a NEW sleek, white design
- ENERGY STAR certified and fully dimmable - Dims just like an incandescent bulb
- Medium base A19 household lasts at least 22.8 years and contains no mercury
And make sure since the best price will not last long. So, check this Philips 425256 8-Watt (40-Watt) A19 LED Household Daylight Light Bulb, Dimmable today and I hope you might be lucky to get this limited discount

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