Product Category: Polishers
Product Name: Makita 9227CX3 7-Inch Hook and Loop Electronic Polisher-Sander with Polishing Kit
Recommend and introducing: Makita 9227CX3 7-Inch Hook and Loop Electronic Polisher-Sander with Polishing Kit, kindly read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to purchase this Makita 9227CX3 7-Inch Hook and Loop Electronic Polisher-Sander with Polishing Kit, then you can press the picture to see related product. You can make sure whether this product has the best quality. Then you will be able to buy Makita 9227CX3 7-Inch Hook and Loop Electronic Polisher-Sander with Polishing Kit online with easy shipping to your home.
Makita 9227CX3 7-Inch Hook and Loop Electronic Polisher-Sander with Polishing Kit
Product Features:
- Variable speed (0-3,000 RPM) with pre-set maximum speed dial; ideal for ultra slow polishing
- Electronic speed control maintains constant speed under load
- Fast and powerful polishing for clear coat finishes
- Lock-on button for continuous use at one speed
- One-year manufacturer's warranty
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