Product Category: Cooktops
Product Name: Fagor VFA78S 30-Inch Beveled Ceramic Glass Radiant Cooktop
Introducing: Fagor VFA78S 30-Inch Beveled Ceramic Glass Radiant Cooktop, kindly read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to purchase this Fagor VFA78S 30-Inch Beveled Ceramic Glass Radiant Cooktop, then you can press the picture to see cheapest price. You can make sure whether this product has the best quality. Then you'll be able to buy Fagor VFA78S 30-Inch Beveled Ceramic Glass Radiant Cooktop online with easy shipping to your home.
Fagor VFA78S 30-Inch Beveled Ceramic Glass Radiant Cooktop
- 1 Double radiant cooking zone (5-Inch-8-Inch)
- 1 Oval radiant cooking zone (7-Inch-11-Inch)
- 2 Radiant cooking zones (6-Inch and 7-Inch)
- Versatile radiant cooking surface accommodating all pots and pan sizes
- Product specification: 1.94-Inch H by 30.69-Inch W by 20-1/2-Inch D
And make sure since the best price will not last long. So, buy this Fagor VFA78S 30-Inch Beveled Ceramic Glass Radiant Cooktop today and I hope you satisfied with the price offered.

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